
Our typographic system is built on legibility and accessibility. It’s clear, bold, and — when we use our international glyphs — endlessly expressive.

  • We use SF pro text for most everything.
  • We love localization, and have the guidelines and international fonts to prove it
  • Before you type, kindly consider our casing and punctuation best practices
Type Swiper

Our brand fonts are SF Pro text. The following tables outline how best to implement.

Heading 1
Font weight: Semibold
Font size: 40px
Line height: 48px
Torem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
Heading 2
Font weight: Semibold
Font size: 32px
Line height: 38px
Torem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
Heading 3
Font weight: Semibold
Font size: 24px
Line height: 28px
Torem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
Heading 4
Font weight: Semibold
Font size: 18px
Line height: 22px
Torem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
Font weight: Semibold
Font size: 24px
Line height: 28px
Torem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
Font weight: Semibold
Font size: 18px
Line height: 22px
Torem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
Font weight: Semibold
Font size: 16px
Line height: 150%
Torem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
Font weight: Regular
Font size: 16px
Line height: 150%
Torem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
Font weight: Semibold/Regular
Font size: 14px
Line height: 150%
Torem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
Torem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
Font weight: Semibold/Regular
Font size: 13px
Line height: 150%
Torem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
Torem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
Font weight: Semibold/Regular
Font size: 12px
Line height: 150%
Torem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
Torem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
Font weight: Semibold/Regular
Font size: 10px
Line height: 150%
Torem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
Torem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
Product Font

We use SF Pro Text in our product and when creating product UIs for demos and marketing, with the exception of the localized languages noted below.

Landing Page
Styling Type

Capitalization and punctuation can be just as critical to copy as typography. The following offers an overview of our editorial style. For more details, see our writing guidelines.


Always default to sentence case for copy; use title case only for attributions and proper nouns. Reserve all-caps treatment for eyebrows and buttons, and never set type in all lowercase.

We use standard punctuation in body copy. Don’t use punctuation in headlines, eyebrows, links or buttons, unless it is necessary for comprehension. A few other considerations:
  • Don’t use ampersands (&) or plus signs (+) in place of "and"
  • Don’t use the Oxford/serial comma
  • Use en dashes (–), not hyphens, for a span or range of numbers, dates or times
  • Don’t use spaces around em dashes
  • Set end punctuation inside closing quotation marks

Simplicity is best. Be mindful of the hierarchy between type style, size, weight and color. Enough variation provides a pleasant contrast. Too much becomes a distraction.

Don’t apply effects to type

Don’t choose low-contrast text and background color combinations